It’s International Coming Out Day coming October 11. A day to support all LGTBIQ+ community members to come out of the closet. But also to ask attention for all the places in the world where coming out is not accepted, LGTBIQ+ lifestyles and rights are marginalised at best, or criminalised at worst.
Berlin holds the international bar for acceptance of anyone to radically self-express in whatever way they want. Martini Cherry Furter came to Berlin to be herself unconditionally. Wearing the Amsterdam Rainbow Dress means a lot to her on International Coming Out Day.
The Amsterdam Rainbow Dress is a living work of art. Made of all the national flags from countries where homosexuality is illegal, on penalty of imprisonment, torture or capital punishment. When a country adopts LGTBIQ+ inclusive legislation, the respective flag shall be replaced with a rainbow flag.
In the summer of 2020, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands invited the Amsterdam Rainbow Dress to be a part of the discussion around National Coming Out Day.
Photography by: Paul Green
Model: Martini Cherry Furter
Also watch our other Berlin models:
– Thomas / Berlin Wall Gallery
– Fan Wu / Dutch Embassy Berlin