July 2020 - July 29 – Dutch Embassy, Berlin Germany
On Wednesday 29th of July, The Amsterdam Rainbow Dress has made a short appearance in Berlin Germany. Watch all the videos here.
The talented Paul Green has kindly agreed to shoot eye-catching photos of the dress at these historically profound locations.
- Brandenburger Tor with Martini Cherry Furter
- Berlin Wall Gallery with Thomas
- Dutch Embassy with Fan Wu
The Amsterdam Rainbow Dress Foundation has been invited by the Dutch Embassy and is part of a larger project to create attention to LGTBI+ rights worldwide.
Or in the words of Dutch Ambassador Wepke Kingma;
“The Netherlands has always prioritised human rights, both within its own borders as around the world. We firmly believe anyone should be able to live in freedom and receive equal opportunities, regardless race, skin colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity. And with the help of the Amsterdam Rainbow Dress Foundation we, The Embassy of the Netherlands in Berlin, ask for attention of LGTBI+ rights worldwide.”