17 September 2020 - SCOTLAND: First country to add LGTBI education in curriculum
Respect and understanding of ‘different’ lifestyles all starts with education. Receiving knowledge, history and context on LGTBIQ+ subjects is paramount to start the conversation and understanding. Worldwide conservative and religious parties have always shunned LGTBQ education in the curriculum, prohibiting sharing insights with younger generations.
One country has taken the first bold move to “to deliver LGBTQ inclusive education across the curriculum to improve the learning environments of all children and young people.”
Scotland is the first nation in the world to teach LGBTQ history in schools! By 2021, schools across the country are expected to include lessons about LGBTQ equality and history in their educational plans.
Lessons will be taught across various age groups and subjects, and themes will include tackling homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and awareness of the history of LGBT movements.
Same-sex marriage has been legal in Scotland since 2014, and same-sex civil partnership since 2005, while adoption and fostering by same-sex couples has been legal since 2009. Anti-discrimination laws on the basis of gender and sexuality have been in place since 2010. Making Scotland one of the most progressive countries for LGTBI equality.
Source: Edinburgh Live