20 November 2020 - International Transgender day of Remembrance
Valentijn de Hingh, Lola Rodriguez, Yaya Mavundla, Fan Wu, Moeisha Ali Aiden… All beautiful models who wore the Amsterdam Rainbow Dress with pride. It empowered them, and the trans community as a whole, in the ongoing struggle for recognition and acceptance. Today on International Transgender Day of Remembrance, we also take a moment to acknowledge the fear and dread our transgender community members must face everyday.
Just as appalling that we need a dress made of flags where homophobia is celebrated, it is appalling there is a national day to acknowledge the many murdered transgender men and women all over the world.
Go to this website to witness the shocking numbers of Trans murders worldwide: https://transrespect.org/en/map/trans-murder-monitoring/
Lola Rodriguez / Spain
Yaya Mavundla / South Africa
Moeisha Ali Aiden / Copenhagen
Fan Wu / Germany